I ♥ Nuffnang


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival :3

Happy Mooncake Festival

made smash potato for my mum
covered wit burger beef slices
and scrambles egg

i'm so talented in making dishes!

today hv the mood to drink this
i cant hv any alcohol
i just like to have sparkling juice
spark my life

bought a lot of moon cake that day wit mum
went to super market

i like this Green Tea moon cake yooo
very nice!

Thanks to  szu yee n her mum for made these for us
love it so much!

and these!
every year also make for us!
thanks ya!

it's kitty!

another kitty!
Thank you!
it's so delicious!
i love the mango!

today's moon was so bright huh
thanks to Bruno Mars
everytime i look at the moon
i never think about 李白
i just noe i'm talking to the moon

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